- Mix 1/3 cup T9 Bovine Injection & Marinade with 16oz of water or beef broth, enough for 1 to 2 briskets
- Inject brisket flat in a grid pattern injecting an inch apart at least 6 hours before cooking or the night before.
- Season with a light layer of T9 Judge "Garlic Pepper BBQ Rub".
- Season with a Medium layer of T9 Bovine Beef Rub Perfection(over the top of The Judge). Allow both seasonings to melt and become fully moist before putting the meat on the smoker. This step can also be done after injecting and using a paper towel to remove any excess injection from the top of the brisket before apply the rub.
- When it's time to wrap, you can either use a half pan(and cover) for your brisket flat or a double sheet of aluminum foil forming a "boat" around your flat to add your favorite wrapping liquid. We like to wrap using our same liquid from our T9 Bovine Injection/Marinade recipe above and add 2 Tablespoons of T9 Judge to it with only using enough so it is about half way up the sides of the brisket. Apply a light sprinkle of T9 Bovine Beef Rub to the top along with roughly a half stick of your favorite brand of butter(we prefer Kerrygold Salted)cut into smaller slices placed on top. Then roll the excess foil tight down to the top of the brisket.
- When the brisket is done, be sure to vent open wrapped brisket for 3 to 5 minutes before placing in either a cooler or holding warming box. Let it rest for a minimum of 1 hour before slicing up to 3 or 4 hours total hold time.
- Slice and enjoy and if you'd like some sauce on your brisket, we recommend a mix of warming up 1/2 cup T9 Judgement Day and 1/2 cup beef broth to brush on the face of slices of brisket.
- Enjoy the best brisket you've ever cooked!