Local Yokels BBQ Sweet Salvation, 10.7oz
Local Yokels BBQ Sweet Salvation, 10.7oz
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Our Price: $14.49


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This is the rub that propelled Local Yokels BBQ to win the KCBS World Championship Open in 2024. It has a balanced flavor of salt, savory, smoke and a blend of different types of sugar that's sure to bring your taste buds that Sweet Salvation

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Sweet Salvation Delivers August 30, 2024
Reviewer: Tim Owings from Dickson, TN United States  
Local Yokels has finally released their award winning rub. This is a very versatile rub that goes well with chicken and pork, but doesn’t overpower the basic flavor. It hits all the right notes between sweet, savory, spicy, mild heat and Unami. Do your taste buds a favor and order this today. They and your family and your neighbors will be thankful!

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